
Beyond Today Magazine

November—December 2024

Amid growing unease and frustration people are looking for a leader to address worsening national and global issues. Many place their hope in politicians or imagine a benevolent global authority—but such solutions lead to tyranny. The Bible offers a different vision: the powerful hand of God reaching out to rescue and restore. Embrace God's ways and the peace He offers today.

Reach for a Strong Hand From Someplace

The world is facing a flood of problems. Many of us feel the world around us is sinking into chaotic and immoral depths. Can we trust elected officials or government organizations to rescue us? Will anyone reach down to save us?

Hope Beyond the Storm

The devastating impacts of recent hurricanes urge readers to seek peace and hope through faith in God rather than human efforts alone. True deliverance and ultimate solutions lie in God’s future Kingdom, beyond the turmoil of this world.

Are You Looking for Direction in All the Wrong Places?

Amid a lost world, where can you turn in the face of mounting troubles? Will politics bring needed guidance? How about religion? Or are these all part of the problem? Discover the one source you can always count on to provide the right way forward.

Censorship, Intimidation & Rising Tyranny

There’s a big push by today’s governments to control speech and information. The signs are very concerning—but they are just the beginnings of something far worse to come.

The Kind of Leaders the World Needs

Every election season is filled with wrangling over which candidates would and wouldn’t be the best leaders. But just what are the essential qualities of a “good” leader? The Bible tells us that a leader should be focused on service and spells out specific aspects of servant leadership. And that instruction applies not merely to appointing leaders but to the development of our own character.

“If You Love Me...”

Millions of professing Christians say, “It’s so good to know and love the Lord.” While this is a nice sentiment, how do these sincere people express their love to God? Is it done in the way specified in Scripture, or is something vitally important missing?

Would Jesus Observe Christmas?

Christmas is widely considered the foremost Christian holiday—the beautiful celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ. But does Jesus Himself look at it that way? Would He join in the festivity, receiving the observance in His honor? Or is His actual assessment quite different?

Archaeology Continues to Corroborate the Bible

Ongoing archaeological finds in Israel lend further support to the biblical record. We highlight some recent discoveries.

Follow Me: “Teach Us to Number Our Days”

A life-and-death moment should lead us to reflect on what we are doing with the life we’ve been given. Properly considering the time we have—and don’t have—brings wisdom.

Compass Check: Dating Doesn’t Have to Break Your Heart

Navigating dating can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By focusing on becoming the person God wants you to be and taking your desires to Him in prayer, you can find peace in the process and confidence in His plan.

Does God Pick National Leaders?

The Bible shows that God sometimes elevates flawed leaders to fulfill His greater purpose, even when their rule is harsh, as seen with figures like Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh. While these rulers may not align with God's values, believers are called to pray for leaders who enable peaceful, godly living, trusting that God's ultimate plan will prevail.

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