Is our world with its teeming variety of life the result of chance, a series of lucky accidents? Or is it, as more and more scientific discoveries are revealing, a perfect habitat finely tuned for life? What does the evidence show?
In this issue we give you a look at some of the evidence for the existence of God.
Many believe that science and the Bible conflict and that they're mutually exclusive. The big question is, must we accept the view that the Bible and science can't both be true?
Charles Darwin, more than any other man, is responsible for the prevalent view in the Western world that science should be enthroned above God's Word.
There are logical reasons to accept the existence of a divine Creator apart from relying on the authenticity of Scripture.
Continual financial crisis in Europe naturally raises the question, "Is Europe falling apart?" Bible prophecy shows that sudden and unexpected change is coming to the continent.
April 15, 2012, marks the 100th anniversary of the most famous peacetime maritime disaster in history—which was also one of the deadliest. The sinking of the British ocean liner Titanic continues to fascinate people today. And it still holds important lessons for tomorrow.
When even some religious magazines ask people to reassess the most basic of Christian doctrines through an evolutionary lens, society is clearly drifting farther and farther from biblical truth. Can we - will we - continue to rely on sound Bible doctrine?
Many modern theologians and nominal Christians seriously question whether our first parents, Adam and Eve, really lived.
To help our readers cope with the avalanche of evolutionary doctrines brainwashing our present world, the publishers of The Good News have produced two booklets that directly confront the theory of evolution.
In 1 Corinthians 5:7, Paul wrote that “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” Do you understand the profound meaning this statement holds for Christians?
In 1 Corinthians 5:7 we learn that "Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us." What is the specific connection between the Passover and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? For that matter, what is the Passover?
You might be surprised! Discover the truth of the surprising story behind one of the world's most popular religious holidays.
Jesus Christ said He would be in the tomb for three days and three nights. What is the biblically accurate chronology of Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection? This time line perfectly accommodates three full nights (Wednesday night, Thursday night and Friday night) and three full daylight periods (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). This is the only time that fits Jesus' own prophecy of how long He would be in the tomb. And fits perfectly with all the details recorded in the Gospels.
Jesus' disciples learned a lesson about having faith when the storms of life suddenly strike. Their lesson is just as important to each of us when we face our own storms.
If Jesus walked the earth today, what church would He attend? One that opens its doors to people of all religions? A politically active church trying to influence who's elected to public office? What kind of people would make up the church Jesus would attend? Would He attend your church?
Why do we need to study the Bible? And how should we go about it?
There are logical reasons apart from Scripture's direct testimony to reject the theory of evolution and accept creation and a Creator.
What goes around comes around. Scottish independence returns to the front burner of politics in Britain. And so do Argentine intentions to possess the Falkland Islands (they call them Las Malvinas).
The Associated Press reports that "a disorderly and potentially devastating Greek debt default is looking much less likely.
Nations can and do use oil as a weapon.
We are so far from the true sexual intimacy men and women were divinely intended to experience in godly marriage!
Not so long ago liberal commentators in the United States spoke of the European economic success in glowing terms - indicating that social democracy works.
Is America now beginning to enter another isolationist phase?
Answers to your questions about the Bible and Christian living.
Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the March-April 2012 issue.