Readers of The Good News share their thoughts in the March-April 2012 issue.
The Good News’ new format
I’ve just finished the latest edition of The Good News magazine and just have to say that I love the new format. I now download all your publications, which helps save on postage. I enjoy each and every one of them. Keep up the good work.
From the Internet
The new Good News magazine is wonderful! I love the focus on Christian living and the mini-Bible study section. It is even more loaded with priceless good news for all people. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Reader from Ohio
“Islam Vs. the West”
I have just finished reading your latest edition, “Islam Vs. the West,” and I was very impressed. This is the most succinct and well-written package of articles that I have seen that deals with a very important issue facing Christians. I was so impressed that I would like the leaders of my church to read this issue. Thank you.
D.L., Ontario, Canada
Is there any chance you will publish the articles in the latest issue of The Good News magazine as a booklet? For years I have enjoyed reading your magazine, even though I don’t always agree theologically (and biblically) with everything. But I thought this last issue’s coverage of Islam one of the best, most succinct coverages I’ve ever read.
J.S., Hazelwood, MO
Thank you for the suggeston, and we will consider it.
A local radio station here has an Islam broadcast each Saturday morning preaching the “love and goodness” of Islam. I find from your publications and other materials that they are not broadcasting the truth. I have forwarded constant objections to their broadcast but they never respond. I have suggested that if they are not pleased with America and our predominant Christian attitude that they exercise their freedom to leave and go preach their misgivings somewhere else.
G.C., Ontario, California
The Good News
Thank God for The Good News. It has opened my eyes about the pagan holidays the world celebrates. Although I as a father am called Scrooge, we as a family must be doing something right.
T.E.C., Pierceton, Indiana
I hand out my copy of The Good News (after I have read it) to every single person in the entire village that I live in. I just love sharing it and they all enjoy it so much. The magazine gives me so much hope, pleasure and peace just by reading it. Thank you so much for sending it to me.
Reader from The Basin, Victoria, Australia
Beyond Today TV program
Thanks to your Beyond Today presenters for all your diligence in preaching the gospel. We watch your programs faithfully and feel they are a refreshing change from what we were used to. Our hats are off to you.
T.C. and M.C., Clearwater, Florida
Thank you for the booklets and your Beyond Today TV program. It is fantastic and since I don’t get out too much, I love to watch it on my computer at home.
P. M., Internet
Christians hungry for truth
I am relatively new to becoming a Christian, so I am searching for more information on God, faith and everything of a religious nature. I would like to have a greater understanding, but need to have explanations in simple, plain English. Please feel free to send me anything that you feel may be of use to me. I realize I have a lot to learn, but am not sure of the best place to find information that I can understand.
F.S., Ayr, Scotland
Our office in the British Isles has mailed you the booklets You Can Have Living Faith, The Road to Eternal Life and Who Is God? These will give you a start on some basics of biblical teachings. If you have need of further help, please let us know.
After reading through your website, I felt compelled to write and thank you for stirring up my spirit that has been sleeping over the last few years. Because of my distrust in people and of our world, I have kept away from church until now. However, having read your Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God page, and believed exactly what God, Jesus and yourselves believe, I now understand what the Bible states. God’s true Church is small and will be kept small until His prophecies come to pass. I have often asked God to guide me to His true Church—not a building, but a body of people.
M.M., the Midlands, England
You will find our free booklet The Church Jesus Built a big help.
Anxious to attend church services
I would like to know where I can attend your church services. I have been looking for so long with many questions that no one could answer. This is so exciting for me as I feel my search has finally paid off. Thank you so much for the booklet and please let me know where I can attend this weekend. I can’t wait.
Reader from South Africa
Thank you for your enthusiastic letter. It has been passed on to an elder or representative who will be able to assist you. You may also wish to request our free booklet This Is the United Church of God.
Bible Study Course
Please find a small donation enclosed. Your free publications are excellent in every way, well worth reading. Also I am finding the Bible Study Course lessons very interesting. And the main thing is I am slowly losing my scepticism.
G.B., Honiton, England
Thank you for the Bible Study Course. It has really opened my mind toward the things of God. The Bible has come alive since I started getting lessons from your church. May God bless your organization for your immense help in transforming the lives of many people.
A.Y.A., Accra, Ghana
Readers appreciate our booklets
I have just received my first Good News magazine and I am absolutely astounded at what I have read. I also received your booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy, and I read it three times through before giving it to my wife to read as well. The things that have been revealed to me while reading this booklet are wonderful, and I am very interested in reading more.
Reader from Cherrybrook, New South Wales, Australia
I recently completed your booklet Why Does God Allow Suffering? I sincerely believe that the author was inspired by the Holy Spirit when he compiled this writing. I enjoyed this study immensely and anticipate my next study, your booklet The Ten Commandments. Even though I have been a Christian for quite some time, I still want to request the Transforming Your Life booklet. I thank our Almighty God for the United Church of God.
B.P., Elyria, Ohio
I have been getting The Good News magazine in the mail and have ordered and received several booklets. I want you to know that I have never understood more clearly than I do with reading your information. The Bible has always been difficult for me to understand completely. You make it easier to understand, and you focus on very important matters, always following with Bible verses. I want to say “Thank You.” I feel as though I can understand and become even closer to God now. Thank you so much for everything that you do. You are appreciated!
From the Internet